Have a shipping or logistics inquiry?
Our logistic team is available to answer any questions and provide you with a rate. Just complete the form below in three quick steps. Not a sales inquiry? See contact info to your right
Contact our other departments
For general dispatch or to book a load, contact
Phone: 877-441-9128 (option 1)
Fax: 330-484-0078
For 3PL inquiries or questions about becoming an approved carrier, please contact
Email: Danielle Morse
Phone: 330-938-8001
Fax: 330-484-2694
Interest in becoming an owner operator for Landstar?
Recruiting & Retention
Email: James McNiff
Phone: 877-441-9128 (option 2)
Fax: 330-484-0078
Website: nonforceddispatch.com