Nationwide Safety

Safety is our middle name. From delivering the best service, reliable transportation, and the most experienced owner-operators, safety is still at the forefront of our business. We take pride in what we do, and how safe we do it.

Education is key to all things Landstar and safer highways. Not only do we educate our owner-operators and impose strict requirements, but we also continue education with training and orientations that cover everything from running their business, equipment, and hands-on solutions from business capacity owners and monthly conference calls. Our safety program reaches from top executives right on through to the agents and employees. Keeping our roads safe is our top priority.

Safety Selection Process

To keep drivers and other motorists safe on the roadways, Secrest Direct an Independent Landstar Agent has a thorough process when choosing Business Capacity Owners (BCOs).  Before considering a BCO, they must be 23 years old and have a minimum of 1-year professional driving experience. Once they have met those qualifications, Landstar performs an extensive background check looking at the individual’s criminal and driving history.

Once accepting a BCO on the team, Landstar requires drivers to join a 2-day orientation at one of the convenient 10 locations throughout the country. The orientation includes defensive driving, vehicle maintenance, hazardous hauling, regulatory compliance and other truck safety issues.

After driving for 120 days, the BCO attends a 1-day review. The review is with a small group of Landstar agents that ask the BCO questions and provides best safety and driving practices for the BCO.

By having extensive requirements that BCOs must meet before beginning their driving career, helps educate truck safety, and reduce accidents and fatalities on the road.

Safety Programs

Safety Conference Calls
Landstar offers safety conference calls and events each month across the country at truck stops and agencies. Landstar joins these monthly safety meetings including the President, CEO, agents, BCOs, employees, third-parties, state and federal DOT representatives and others who are interested in learning the techniques of keeping their roadways safe.

Annual Safety Meetings

Each Year Landstar holds a safety meeting in February for the owner-operators and agents. During this meeting, owner-operators and agents are educated on the upcoming changes in government regulatory, current Landstar safety and performance data as well as the newest safety exercises within the trucking industry.

M.U.S.T Program
As a Landstar Agent, we take safety seriously. Safety always comes first. Customers have the right to use M.U.S.T – Mutual Understanding of Safety Together. M.U.S.T is an exceptional program for Landstar representatives and customers to come together and guarantee freight is delivered safely, without damage, on time and professionally.

No-Zone Events
The No-Zone Event is a program that teaches the areas around a tractor-trailer where the driver is unable to see you. The No-Zone Event also shows drivers how to safely share the road with other tractor trailers on the highway. After all, our number one priority is keeping drivers and other motorists safe!

Landstar staff and drivers are focused on safety and believe nothing is more important. Providing education to not only drivers but the public helps bring awareness of highway safety. Attend one of Landstar’s safety programs for more information and training on how to stay safe while delivering loads and reduce accidents.

About the author

Kristi Yokley